Robin Rogers Interior Design

Interior Design To Reflect Your Lifestyle

Tulsa, OK USA

(918) 691-8914

Robin in the Wondrous Land of Kitchen Design

As many homeowners choose to remain prudent during this rocky economy, single room remodels are increasing in popularity. With today's enhanced technology and eco-trends, kitchen remodels are in high demand. Kitchen design is one of the most pleasurable parts of my trade.  As a designer, however; I do see the challenging mechanics and the endless planning that go into the creation of a great kitchen.  There are elements to kitchen design that most people have never considered.

Robin in the Wondrous Land of Kitchen Redesign is an eight week series exploring the magical process of creating your fantasy kitchen.  Follow me as I delve into the elements of kitchen design, including: lighting, surfaces, cabinets, ceilings, walls, hardware, and appliances/plumbing fixtures, shedding light on the the many exciting trends and choices that 2010 delivers.

As I guide you through the ins and outs of kitchen design, be the first to catch the latest updates from the amazing transformation of the 2010 Showcase Kitchen on my blog.

Spring projects are booking quickly!  Call today to schedule your kitchen remodel!  (918) 369-3800

Robin Rogers Interior Design - Interior Design To Reflect Your LIfestyle

Phone:(918) 691-8914